
Monday, July 23, 2007

Standing in line...

Don't you just hate standing in line to use the outhouse?

While we were in Utah, I took (with the help of a handy-dandy tripod) my family's pics at the Benson Grist Mill in Tooele County. I LOVE this place! I saw this old outhouse there and couldn't resist doing a shot like this!

Check out Dad holding his nose, Andy checking the watch and Zach(on the end)- well, you can guess what he is doing! Cracks me up! I love this shot- it shows how crazy and funny my family is! Makes me miss being home and sitting around the kitchen table talking about things that shouldn't be talked about at a kitchen table! Mom, you should blow this one up HUGE and hang it above the living room couch for all the home teachers to see! Or maybe dad would like to put it in his waiting room at his office? Bwhahahaha!

For you photoshop folks- The sepia treatment on this was pretty complicated- I wanted it to look very grainy and vintage. I had to convert to b&w (used gradient map, + levels to bring up midtones), then added a brown color filter. Then I tried to add grain (which I had never done before) and realized that the grain looked colored (like noise) so I had to then convert it to Grayscale mode (which undid my sepia color), then add the grain again (Filter-texture-grain), then convert back to RGB mode, then readd the color filter. Whew! It was fun though- I love learning new things in photoshop! I think it still needs some more grain, but I didn't want to redo all of that! I'll remember that for my next outhouse shot!

Lots more family picks to come- just thought this one deserved its own post! Hope you enjoyed it and were not offended!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

This photo just slays me! Mandy, what a great idea! Your family was so fun to be around (in the short time I was around them) and this just shows what fun people they are. I just cracked up when I saw this. And thanks for sharing your PS tips. It's always fun to learn new stuff. . .I'm going to have to try it sometime. You did a great job of giving it a vintage feel. Absolutely perfect.