
Sunday, June 8, 2008


I am sure that most fathers dream of their sons excelling in sports, but for Tim I think this dream goes to a whole new level. He often jokes about our kids playing in the NBA, but I know that he is only partly joking- deep down a part of him just longs to see his son/sons playing for the Utah Jazz, becoming the next Jeff Hornacek or John Stockton. I remember how excited he was when Jace's first word was basketball- much better than, say, dad. As with most of Jace's obsessions/phases, the basketball phase didn't last long- he is now much more into playing superhero's and drawing pictures of batman than sports. But fortunately, little Ethan loves balls and is quite the little athlete, so the dream is still alive! Seriously, Ethan has some major skills with the ball! You should see his chest pass- it is incredible! When aiming his little basketball at my head, he hits the target every. single. time. And he has a near perfect swing with his plastic baseball bat, so baseball can be his fallback sport. Yes indeed, we have high hopes of this little guy- if he can just get as tall as his dad or taller he will be a shoe-in for the NBA. We will be sure to give you all some box seats when he signs with the Jazz.

These were taken yesterday, when I found Ethan playing with the basketball in this bookshelf. I thought it was so cute! And if you look at that last shot, he is actually pointing at Tim who is watching basketball trick clips on YouTube and saying 'COOL' (referring to Ethan, not Tim, though Tim was probably thinking that exact word).

And, seeing all the attention Ethan was getting with his cool tricks, Jace was not one to be shown up by a 1 year old! Here he is showing off his improving wall climbing skills- check out that height! With hours of practicing this, every day, I am convinced that it is only a matter of time before he actually starts crawling on the ceiling. I will be sure to get a shot of it when it happens and post it here on the blog. I am quite nervous about our upcoming plane trip because Jace cannot seem to keep from climbing on things. I have been reminding him everyday that he CANNOT climb on the back of the chairs, or on the windows in the airplane this week or the police will GET HIM and put him in jail. Hopefully my scare tactics will work- and we will not have to bail him out of jail on our vacation.

By the way, it is currently 8:30 in the morning and it is already 90 degrees outside!!! We are in for another record hot, humid day! Sheesh, I can't wait to get to Utah on Wednesday. We picked a good week to leave Virginia!


MediocreMama said...

LOL! I guess every mom does the whole, "I'll call the police" thing. My mom did it to us and it worked for years. Even yesterday, Lennon was throwing food EVERYWHERE during lunch. The phone rang and I told him, "Yep, just like I thought. It's probably the police. You'd better hope I don't tell them what you're doing with those peaches..."

And what did he do? Threw more peaches.

Love these pictures. I can't wait until Lennon can play ball.

Rebecca said...

Seriously IN LOVE with that collage. In love. So fabulous! Your have mad layout and typography skillz!

Ok, also, those pics on my blog with Syd and the fountain and the lake were taken at the Zobrists and I'm sure if you ever wanted to shoot there they wouldn't mind, and also I was wondering if I could borrow your sweet vintage tricycle or bike for a shot with Syd.

Katie said...

Yay for little boys and balls! Davin is still into his ball phase though construction vehicles are a serious dedication at the moment as well. I think that Jace is really a superhero, however, based on his wall climbing skills. You guys have so much fun! BTW, we are roasting down here as well and I can't wait for a little western dry heat (though we don't leave for a few weeks and it will probably cool down when we do). Have a great trip!!!

mandy carroll said...

Thanks for the comments, everyone!

Rebecca- that compliment means a lot coming from you! You are welcome to borrow my trike anytime- I will email you before I leave because I wanted to ask you something...

Melanie said...

Mandy, awesome photos! I love your storyboard! My gosh, Ethan just keeps getting cuter and cuter, if that's even possible. He's already so adorable.
The photos of Jace cracked me up. Okay, he seriously reminds me of Eli. So glad to know my super hero loving, wall/furniture climbing son is normal. . .
Have an awesome trip.
Oh, and I use the police thing too.