
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dropping The Ball

Jace started Preschool two weeks ago and I have quickly realized that I am a bad school mom. When I dropped him off the first day, I saw dozens of parents with cameras and video cameras who probably got there 10 minutes early to document this important day in their child's life. What was Jace's mom doing? Oh, she was running late and didn't even think to bring the camera (if I had just forgotten it, maybe I would feel a little less guilty, but no- it never crossed my mind to bring the camera) That was ball drop #1. I did bring my camera when I picked him up(hence the photos above), but it totally felt like I missed 'the' moment. Then last Thursday when I picked him up, his teacher handed me the class newsletter which I took home and set on the counter. In my defense, I did intend to read this newsletter, but it got lost. Ball drop #2. When I picked him up from school the following Tuesday, he immediately told me how mad he was that all the kids brought their 'pets' to school for show and tell but him. Ouch. Hello, mom, pick up that stinkin' ball! I totally made him miss his first show and tell- a very important first! And now Jace has a cold today so he couldn't go to school and is going to miss next Tuesday because we will be in VA Beach. His teacher must think I am a total loser. But really, this whole being a school mom thing is just so new to me- I have no idea what I am doing! But I am determined to sign up as a classroom volunteer to redeem myself- I wonder if they have a PTA in preschool? Well, hopefully I learned my lesson and will at least read his weekly newsletter as soon as I get it.

So we are headed to VA beach on Monday-Wednesday. I am super excited! We are camping, which many of you may think is crazy, but we absolutely love this camp site- it is right on the beach and has access to power and showers. And I am determined to get some really great silhouette type family shots of us so I will be sure to post those sometime in the near future.

Until then, y'all have a great Labor Day weekend!!!


Katie said...

Jace is so cute! I went to an orientation today for Davin's preschool and I started feeling like the bad mom, too. However, I decided that it is only preschool and there is plenty of time for me to get it right. I'm sure when Jace looks back on the memories you captured with your camera of his preschool days, he will have a gift that far outweighs what some of the other "good" moms did. :) However, thanks for the mental reminder to bring my camera to Davin's first day next Tuesday. Have a fun weekend on the beach!!!

Melanie said...

You're doing a ton better than me. With the new baby, the move, and all the other stuff, I sort of accidentally on purpose forgot to enroll Eli in preschool. So, he may not get that experience.
Cute photos and I can't believe how grown up Jace gets. I still wish he and Eli could play together. I think they'd have a blast!

Keiauni said...

You are a great Mom Mandy! (and you have tons of great photos to prove it!) getting into the school groove is kinda wierd with your first...I think. You have NO CLUE what you are supposed to be doing! So don't feel bad:) You'll redeem yourself very soon I'm sure.

ps. Have fun at the beach!