
Friday, March 13, 2009

High School Flashbacks

Since we have started our work out program, I have been listening to Yahoo Music on M, W, & F mornings because Tim takes the ipod to the gym while I stay at home to do my weight routine. I don't know if any of you are familiar with Yahoo Music, but its basically free online radio stations you can play by genre. So this morning I was a little tired of listening to my regular Adult Alternative and Indie and Pop stations, so I decided on 90's Alternative just to shake things up. The instant the first song started playing- BAM! Song after song, it was like a total time warp! I seriously was having major flashbacks to my freshman year of High School, when I was first introduced to the wonderful world of Alternative Rock music. I could even remember people and places and smells from when I heard these songs- it was 1995 all over again! I got all excited about the good old days of Green Day, Beastie Boys, Weezer, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and Cake. It was awesome! Until I realized how old these songs are, then I felt every bit like the almost-thirty-year-old-woman-trying-desperately-to-hold-onto-her-youth that I am. It was a weird mixture of pleasure and pain. And then this memory of my dad listening to The Who and Poco and Starship (speaking of Starship- We Built This City was our early family theme song- we loved it!) and talking about the good old days of music while I thought "Geez, my dad is old!" popped into my head. Then I realized, oh my gosh- I am my dad! It is only a matter of a few years before my kids will be saying the same things about me and my 'lame' music. It was funny, when Tim got home from the gym, he could totally tell how much I was enjoying my blast from the past as I was saying "didn't you love this song? Maybe we should download it!" He just smiled and looked me in the eye and said "Mandy, this music is really old. Do you really want to download 'Spoonman?'" It was then that it all fully sunk in- I am getting old. How did that happen? Man, life is flying by way too fast! And I don't want to get old. So I am going to go listen to some Beyonce ("AAAALL the single ladies... All the single ladies!") and pretend that I am young and hip... just as soon as "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is over... no wait, "Machinehead" is on now- sweet! BUSH!

By the way, thanks for all the great music advice! I have found some great new music so far- I am loving Missy Higgins (thanks Aly!) as well as some of the other suggestions! Also, I took some cute photos of the boys today- it has been too long since I had photos of the boys on the blog- and we were in a rush so they are shirtless- Tim will be thrilled:o I will try to post them tomorrow along with the snow photos from last week. Have a great weekend folks!

(Ooooh, "Under the Bridge" is on now- Go Chilli Peppers! Okay, I need to stop- I have to go get ready for my run- 6.2 miles tonight! Wish me luck!)


MediocreMama said...

I'll tell you a song that reminds me of you -- "Sweater" by Weezer...for some reason it reminds me of you, Lauren, Alana and Gold Chip parties in Jr. High.


Katie said...

I think I had a crisis recently when I realized that the majority of my top 25 most played songs on my ipod were Veggie Tales and They Might Be Giants 123's and ABC's. I decided it was time to reclaim my identity and listen to my music again. Frankly, I'm not sure the boys noticed, either. Davin likes a couple of the Veggie Tales songs, but he likes Jack Johnson and other "adult" artists too. He doesn't seem to miss it.

mandy carroll said...

LOL Holly- "Pull this thread as I walk away (As I walk a-wa-aay!)" That is a good one!
And Gold Chip parties- you dug up a completely forgotten memory for me:) It makes me think of you and Alana on a bus listening to Crash Test Dummies(MMMMMMMMM...MMMMMMM) And hot dog on a stick comes to mind for some reason, I am not sure why? Good times!

Katie- I hear you, I have lots of kids playlist too- we hear a lot of theme songs (batman, spiderman, superman, Star Wars, Darth Vader...)