
Friday, December 10, 2010

All About Jace

I just wanted to jot a few things down about Jace right now before he moves on to the next phase. It is hard for me to believe he is now 7 years old- they grow change so quickly! I love watching him grow and learn new things, but it is so sad to me to think that this little boy phase is almost over with him! Sometimes I wish I could just keep him this age forever.

Jace has recently discovered the joy of legos- he is building up a little collection and has a nice little place for them in his closet, where he checks them often. He has always been a bit of a collector, and right now some of his collection items include silly bands, money, legos, ribbons, and race car drawings (which he draws from a how to draw race cars book that he loves). You should see the top of his dresser- it is piled high with several different piles of stuff. He is also really into school- it seriously seems so strange but wonderful to me that he likes school so much- he really just can't get enough of it. He will get off the bus on Monday and immediately do his Monday-Thursday homework. I really don't know where he gets this trait- Tim and I are both pretty big procrastinators, and I was always that way when it came to school. So if he can keep up his study habits and enthusiasm, high school and college will be a breeze for this boy!

Cute story- for thanksgiving last month, we hand made some little booklets to write down things we were thankful for. Jace filled his up with 20 or so items and drawings of random things he was thankful for. That night at bedtime, he whips his thankful book out in the middle of his prayer and goes through each item one by one (house, electricity, family, books, hands, feet, bed...). He tried to take it out at dinner prayers too, but we had to ask him to put it away- that prayer just got a little too long!

Jace also really loves to read- and as a result I have found something that I love to do with him! I just love snuggling up with my boys and reading books- picture books and now chapter books with Jace. Right now we are reading the Spiderwick Chronicles and he is loving them. Next on the list is Harry Potter, Diary of a Whimpy Kid and the Charlie Bone series. I love getting excited about books with Jace!

Portraits taken May of 2009. This first one I have on my mantle and it makes me smile every day. He is so handsome!

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