
Sunday, July 15, 2007


Those of you that know Jace well will find these pictures very fitting. It seems that whenever Jace finds something he really likes, he becomes obsessed with it. It started with his discovery of Buzz Lightyear. He didn't just like Buzz, he WAS Buzz- all day long every day. He only played with his Buzz toys, he always wanted to watch Toy Story and we had to write ANDY on the bottom of all his shoes. Although he still likes Buzz and Toy Story, he has grown out of the obsession, thank goodness! But then he discovered flashlights. About a year ago, Tim got Jace a little LED key chain light. Jace carried that thing everywhere- he even held onto it while he slept. He would lock himself in our dark bathroom and closets for 30-40 minutes at a time and just sit in there with his flashlight. And whenever he saw Tim's flashlights, his eyes would get very wide as if to say "MUST... HAVE...FLASHLIGHT"- you could not even talk to him- he literally could not listen. When we are at mutual on Thursday nights he is always asking people if they have flashlights on their keys and several people have given him their little lights.
Then he discovered the lights on watches- again, he became obsessed. When Tim's parents were out here last month, Jace managed to collect a watch from each of them and thought he was the coolest person in the world for having four watches on that ALL had lights on them. He would walk around glancing at his arm every 5 seconds to make sure they were all still there, looking so proud of himself. It was hilarious! He would show us how those lights worked over and over again. Such a funny kid!
I know that lots of kids go through stages like this, but I can't help but wonder if gets some of this obsessiveness from me. To this day, when I get an idea or something in my head, I cannot get it out- I will obsess about it for hours or even days. I think a lot of people in my family are this way actually. I think there are some good things about this trait- it helps motivate me to get stuff done, but I know it gives me lots of unnecessary stress. Isn't it scary sometimes how much our kids are like us? Yikes!
Well, I don't know what else to write so I will leave it at that! Hope you enjoyed these!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

This is a crack up. I love how intense so many of Jace's photos are. You can just see his adoration for the watches in these. Great photos!
And even though my kids aren't quite like me yet, I totally get how you (and Jace) get obsessed with certain ideas. I'm the same way. Makes for a hard (at times) but very interesting and productive life!