
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Counting down

some psychedelic fun with the cam...

The countdown to Christmas has officially begun at our house. We are drinking lots of hot cocoa (it is quite disgusting how many cans of hot cocoa mix we have gone through this month!), making paper snowflakes, listening to Christmas music and watching It's a Wonderful Life for the third time. I can't believe that in exactly one week from today, it will be Christmas night and I will be feeling a little depressed because Christmas is over and I have eaten too much. How did it come so fast? Every year I seem to ask myself this question a million times the week before Christmas. But I am trying very hard to be positive and not think about how sad it will be when it is all over. Most of me is just really excited! I just love the ambiance of our home around Christmas, all the decor, the Christmas lights and the fire blazing. And aside from the Bop-it that I really wanted to get Jace (which, by the way, is no longer sold in stores so I have to get it from EBay- and me and EBay are a bad combo- I always put items on my 'watch' list, but forget to go back to check them so the auctions always end before I can bid- it's maddening!), our Christmas lists have been made and checked twice.
Last weekend we took a trip to the DC temple to see the festival of lights they have up there. It was so pretty! What a great way to get into the Christmas spirit! Jace absolutely loved it. Here are some of our snaps from that trip- some taken by me, some taken by Tim. And even a shot of me and the kids in there- a rarity indeed! I definitely belong BEHIND the camera!
I hope everyone is getting into the Christmas spirit! I will try to post again before Christmas- Tim is heading out to Utah without me this weekend, so I will have lots of time on my hands (if the kids don't drive me too crazy:P But until then, happy holidays everyone!

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