
Friday, December 10, 2010

All About Ethan

Oh, Ethan... our funny little firecracker. Ethan and Jace are so very different from each other it is amazing- in both looks and personality they are just so unique. But I love it, both as a mom and as a photographer!

Ethan is such a hoot- I have always thought that late 3/early 4 is the funnest age. This boy is so imaginative. He is constantly dressing up as some character or other. But it does not stop there. No, he becomes that character. Whether it is Peter Pan, Franklin, Batman, Red Power Ranger or Captain Hook, he will only answer to that name and if you call him Ethan he is sure to correct you. He love to tell you what to say, too. "Mom, say 'Wow, Franklin, I like your shell!' ..." "Oh, thank you. I have to wear this because I am a turtle!" The other day we were watching Hook and Ethan wanted to dress up as captain hook. But the black batman dress-up boots just would not work for him. "But Captain Hook has heels on his boots!" So I pulled out a pair of black, high heeled ankle boots of mine and his eyes just lighted up as he said "These look like the REAL Captain Hook boots!" Then he wore them around the house for a few hours- it was so cute! Every week Ethan and I take a trip to the library and they have this puppet room there with all kinds of stuffed animal puppets. Ethan just LOVES putting on puppet shows for me and he talks about it all the time.

Ethan can be so sweet and very cuddly, which Tim and I both love. But he can also be very defiant and feisty, which I secretly admit I kind of love too! If you ask him to do something he does not want to do (such as brush his teeth or put his toys away) he will furrow his brow and say "No, I don't want to!" We seem to do a lot more counting to three and setting timers with him than we ever did with Jace:)

Yesterday while I was coloring with Ethan(which I don't do all that often, sadly), we heard something fall off the shelf in the laundry room. Ethan looks up with a startled look on his face and whispers "Mom, I think there is an invisible Madman in there! I'm gonna punch him and color all over him and THROW MY SHOE AT HIM AND THEN HE WILL BE DEAD!" Needless to say, I feel very safe with Ethan as my little protector:)

Portraits taken in May of 2009

1 comment:

Leanne said...

He's really cute. I have a feisty 4 year old too, but I'm hoping mine will grow out of this stage and become sweet again. :)