
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wearing the pants...

I found these as I was sorting through the photos on my hard drive trying to get organized. I took these a little over a month ago. One day Jace came into me one day while I was at the computer and said, "Look, Mom, I am wearing your pants!" I laughed so hard when I saw him, taking little bitty steps holding the waist of my pants high up under his armpits, trying not to trip on them! I had to grab my camera (and of course take him over to my window so I had enough light!)

Did a little experimenting with some texture-vintage treatment on the first. I am no master at this technique, and I am sure it is not everyone's cup of tea, but I like it anyways. First I messed with the Color balance to make it slightly green, then desaturated it a bit. Then I overlayed it with three different textures (pictures of my mulch, my sidewalk, and tree bark) then set them at about 10% opacity, and erased the face back in a bit. Then did a little more messing with saturation, and color balance. Voila!
Speaking of texture, you must check out one of my favorite new photographers that I discovered a few months ago (apparently he is totally famous and has been for a while- won lots and lots of awards at WPPI a year ago or so) Anyways, he is a wedding photog and his name is Jesh DeRox (copy and past into your browser to see his awesome website and awesome music!) I just love his stuff- he takes his wedding photography to a totally new level- pure ART! Awesome stuff!
Anyways, lots more to come- I got my new lens yesterday and I am IN LOVE!! How on earth did I live without this lens! It is SUPER sharp and so far produces AMAZING color and bokeh- I can't wait to show you some great shots of Jace! So check back soon!
Take care everyone!

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