
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Outer Banks, NC

I posted a few of these on my business blog, but wanted to post some more here. We had so much fun on our trip- it was SOOOO nice to not have to worry about emails and phone calls and my to-do list for a whole week! The only thing we thought or worried about was "Should we go to the beach in the morning, or afternoon? Or both?" Sounds stressful, I know. We loved our house too, it was in the perfect location. We stayed in Rodanthe- our house was maybe a quarter mile from the beach; just two houses away from being beachfront (see pictures above). You could litereally see or hear the beach from any of the three (no, four!) porches. It was a dream!
The kids did great, too! They didn't quite understand the concept of sleeping in on vacation, but knowing their regular sleeping habits, I wasn't suprised! And I didn't mind at all- I got to see several beautiful early morning sunrises! One morning in particular, Jace, who had been sleeping in our room, came up to me and said in his bright, annoyingly-too-cheery-for-so-early-in-the-morning-voice "Mom, it's 4-5-6 o'clock!" I rolled over to check the time on the alarm clock and, sure enough, it was 4:56. Very good, Jace! Now go back to bed (crazy kid!)! But once I am up in the morning, I usually can't fall back asleep. So at about 6, I took Jace down to the beach and we saw the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen! There were lots of puffy storm clouds and it made for some amazing colors! The sunrise picture on my businessblog was taken that morning, and the ones in my next post.
I think Tim or I will make a slideshow of all the pictures we took (using James Taylor's "Carolina On My Mind" because it would be oh so perfectly cheesy, and I just love cheese!) so let me know if you would like to see it and I will email it to you!
More pictures to follow...


Katie said...

Send me your slide show! I'm trying to convince my family to come to the beach for Christmas and it would be nice to pass it along as a plug for how much fun we would have.

Melanie said...

Mandy, these are all so gorgeous! I'm in awe. It's so beautiful out there and you really captured it!

mandy carroll said...

Will do, Katie!